Hello Synergy PAC Competition Tour 2025 families!
Below are the projected timeframes when all of the images and videos of your amazing dancers will be online and ready for viewing!
Updated Tuesday 3/4/25 at 7:00 AM CST. We've confirmed that all routines have been successfully uploaded!
Synergy PAC Routine Image Availability Schedule
Saturday Morning Images: Available Saturday Evening: Status Completed
Saturday Afternoon Images: Available Sunday Morning: Status Completed
Saturday Evening Images: Available Sunday Afternoon: Status Completed
Sunday Morning Images: Available Monday Morning: Status Completed
Sunday Afternoon Images: Available Monday Morning: Status Completed
Sunday Evening Images: Available Monday Afternoon: Status Completed
Synergy PAC Routine Video Schedule
We'll begin sending out links to individuals who purchased routine videos online over the weekend by Wednesday afternoon. Orders received afterwards typically take 3-4 business days from the time of order.
*****Note: In an effort to be compatible with most devices (i.e. iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows), all videos will be 1080p at 59.9 fps in mp4 format.
Should you have any issues or questions, please contact us at info@interwovendesigns.com and we'll respond asap to answer or assist.
We'd personally like to thank you for the opportunity to witness and be a part of capturing the tremendous talent over the weekend.
Kindest Regards,
Interwoven Designs Team